Ductwork issues typically account for a 25% loss in energy efficiency.
The Duct Saddle system alone may not cut your energy costs a full 25%, but when you consider that 65% of the average energy bill is air conditioning and heating costs, it's easy to see how the Duct Saddle system can immediately increase energy efficiency and save money.

Airflow restriction is a major cause of ductwork inefficiency, with improper installation being a critical factor. Bending, sagging, or crumpled flexible ducts can have a dramatic negative effect on a duct system's energy efficiency, causing units to needlessly waste energy as they work harder and longer to sufficiently condition each room.
Improperly installed ductwork can leak cold air into the attic causing condensation, mold, ceiling stains, and possibly attracting termites. If not suspended properly, ductwork can kink, restricting airflow and overworking the fan motor. Proper code enforcement requires no more than 1/2 inch of sag per foot in a five-foot section. A properly installed Duct Saddle network meets or exceeds this important energy efficiency standard.
For homes with twisted, overlapping and/or improperly installed ductwork, the Duct Saddle system can easily be one of the cheapest, easiest-to-install measures available to increase energy efficiency. Shop Now